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Dimensional Healing: Transcending Distance, Time & Space 

Vibrational Jump Start | Linda Hogan

A snippet from Linda's presentation at the 2017 Energy Healing Symposium: "Dimensional Healing: Transcending Distance, Time & Space".Visit Linda Hogan's website: http://www.sacrednewearth.comPurch...

Each time you think fondly of a loved one, worry about a friend traveling overseas or engage in conversation, or give a diagnoses, you are performing dimensional healing. Linda will demonstrate how this works and will share with you how to consciously access alternative dimensions as well as use different brainwaves to enhance your well-being. If you already have a healing practice, you will enjoy discovering the ease of using longdistance healing with your modality. The gift of energy is that it knows no time, distance or space. Everything is Now.

Learn to access out of body energy and information using different techniques and brainwaves. Enhances any modality.

Inquire about training.

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